God bless the HP 8924C: without you poor college students would not be able to possess RF test equipment way above their pay grade. My model is the 60 W continuous version, US with green CRT. I was able to secure this wonder for $869 shipped from Washington to Boston, MA on eBay. It also seems like my purchase raised the price of these units on eBay by $200-$500. Sorry. Mine is in “Almost New” condition despite being over 17 years old. It originally retailed for $30,000. Pretty cool stuff. It cost more than cars back then.
In the picture, you can see it dominating my dorm room desk (room mate is thrilled, obviously). It’s huge and heavy and says “TWO PERSON LIFT!” on the side. I have also officially named it “Bruce.” Continue reading God Bless the HP 8924C: A Tale and Tutorial of the Service Monitor